by mattstokes9 | Mar 2, 2020 | Blog, firm news, Investments
Why the Global Elite Are Using U.S. Trusts It’s not to get their heads on Mount Rushmore. by Christopher Klug March 2, 2020 Wealthy international families are choosing U.S. situs trusts over the typical offshore trust jurisdictions. In choosing a trust...
by mattstokes9 | Jan 9, 2020 | Blog, firm news, Investments, Tax Law
Tour of China a great learning experience by Christopher Klug January 13, 2020 I had the privilege of traveling to the People’s Republic of China from December 7 to December 15, 2019, as part of BurgherGray’s efforts to reach out to friends, colleagues, and...
by mattstokes9 | Feb 5, 2019 | Blog, Finance, Investments
Periodic Filings For Investment Advisers by Dan Clausen February 5, 2019 Investment advisers need to file certain periodic reports with the SEC, other federal regulators and/or the adviser’s state regulator. Required filings for individual states can be found online...