Pro Bono
We view pro bono service as an integral part of the practice of law, as well as a civic and professional obligation. The firm regularly supports community based not-for-profit organizations through direct financial contributions, pro bono services and board service by our attorneys.

Like many of our clients, we at BurgherGray take our civic and professional responsibilities very seriously. As such, the firm is committed to providing pro bono legal services to appropriate individuals and organizations in need. We encourage our attorneys to participate in pro bono activities and we support such efforts with firm resources. Many of our attorneys have answered our call to action, including by serving on non-profit boards of directors. The firm regularly supports community based not-for-profit organizations through direct financial contributions, pro bono services, and board service by our attorneys.

1350 Broadway | Suite 1510
New York, NY 10018
T: 646.513.3231 | F: 646.561.9866
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